Sunday, August 20, 2017

List of All Kamen Riders and Name Origins (1971-2021)

Have you ever wonder on where the names of Kamen Riders came from? Some names are straight forward based on their theme or ability, while others has some hidden meaning behind it. Here is a list of Kamen Rider names and their meaning that we've gathered so far through vigorous research. We may be missing out on a few things so feel free to put some comments. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. This list excludes Kamen Riders that were featured from stage shows and novels.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Kamen Rider Build DX Build Driver

Kamen Rider Build's transformation belt functions by combining 2 Fulll Bottles and turning the lever. It comes with his primary form, Rabbit Full Bottle and Tank Full Bottle. Release date will be on Sept. 2, 2017 and prices will vary.  Other Full Bottles such as Gorilla and Diamond are sold separately.

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